Tag Archives: K120Q

vGPU for XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 powered by nVidia GRID K1, K2 Cards on XenServer 6.2 SP1, 6.5

“The following content is a brief and unofficial prerequisites guide to setup, configure and test vGPU technology using XenServer 6.2 SP2+ or XenServer 6.5, XenDesktop 7.6, nVidia GRID K1 or K2 cards and a supported server from either the Citrix or nVidia HCL prior to deploying in a PoC, Pilot or Production environment by the author of this entry. The views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citrix.

Shortened Names

What’s New
1. vGPU for XenApp is now supported ref the following blog article published entitled “Citrix supports NVIDIA GRID™ vGPU™ for XenApp!” – http://blogs.citrix.com/2014/11/25/citrix-supports-nvidia-grid-vgpu-for-xenapp/.
2. XenServer 6.5 can now support up to 3x nVidia GRID cards scaling up to 96 VM’s with a vGPU assigned in a GRID enabled/compatible supported server hardware.
3. nVidia have certified new GRID profiles all of which are Q certified check them out at – http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/grid-virtual-gpus-uk.html.
4. The latest GRID card datasheet is avaiable at – http://images.nvidia.com/content/grid/pdf/188270-NVIDIA-Grid-Datasheet-A4-fnl-Web.pdf.

What is vGPU?
It is a logical portion of a physical GPU assigned to a VM to deliver rich graphical applications from either a multi-user or desktop OSes. It is currently only supported with either nVidia GRID K1/K2 cards, compatible HCL server running either XenServer 6.2 SP+ or XenServer 6.5+ with XenApp or XenDesktop 7.6. The GPU resources (Frame buffer) + access time that is allocated to a vGPU assigned to the VM is managed with the help of a vGPU profile e.g K120Q which manages the GPU resources + time in conjunction with the vGPU manager which is installed within Dom0 of the XenServer 6.2 SP1+ or 6.5 host which intern allows for any VM assigned a vGPU to handle and delivery graphical intensive applications e.g AutoCAD Map 3D or Adobe Photoshop CS. For more technical information and an alternative description and overview including a diagram checkout – http://www.nvidia.com/object/virtual-gpus.html on the nVidia website.

GRID Card History
The first generation of GRID cards were called K1, K2 Cards and made use of the “Kepler” architecture, technical details can be found on the datasheet here – http://www.nvidia.co.uk/content/cloud-computing/pdf/nvidia-grid-datasheet-k1-k2.pdf.

The second generation of nVidia GRID cards are called TESLA which make use of the “Maxwell” architecture which includes 3x offerings TESLA M10 (Rack Servers), TESLA M6 (MXM Blade Servers) and TESLA M60 (Rack Servers)

Overview of Citrix HDX vs. HDX 3D Pro
HDX stands of High Definition eXperience and is built upon the ICA protocol which is developed, owned and maintained by Citrix. HDX automatically and dynamically adapts to any changes within the users ICA session end-2-end to ensure that the users experience always comes first and foremost. HDX inspects the computing resources within the data centre e.g. the VM or physical server that the desktop or server VDA is install on, the network and the end-point device to see what computing resources can be leveraged to offload onto to further enhance the users experience. For a technical overview to Citrix’s HDX technologies and policies in XAD 7.6 check out – http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xenapp-xendesktop-76/xad-hdx-landing.html. Citrix has published document entitled “What is HDX? / Citrix HDX technologies for optimizing the virtualization experience” available at – http://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/products-solutions/citrix-hdx-technologies.pdf which provides a great introduction into HDX technologies.

vGPU Pre-requites & System Requirements
1. Start by reviewing http://www.citrix.com/go/vgpu.
2. Hardware requirements can be found at – https://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/go/vgpu-tech-preview-hardware-requirements.pdf and to purchase a GRID enabled server please visit – http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/buy-nvidia-grid-uk.html.
3. I would suggest downloading and reviewing the guide entitled “Part 1: XenServer GPU Pass-through” available at – https://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/go/reviewers-guide-remote-3d-graphics-apps-part-1-xenserver-gpu-passthrough.pdf prior to starting as this will cover off the installation of a GRID card into a Dell R720 Server which will be useful to review if your about to embark on deploying your first GRID K1/2 card in a compatible supported server.
4. The following guide entitled “Part 3: XenServer GPU Virtualization (vGPU)” covers off the full deployment from installing and configuring XenServer 6.2 SP1+ to preparing the VM and assigning a vGPU through to the installation and configuration of the nVidia GRID drivers, XenTools and the Desktop OS VDA. The guide is available at – *https://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/go/reviewers-guide-remote-3d-graphics-apps-part-3-xenserver-vgpu.pdf.
5. Encoding method suggested is H.264 although you do need more power server h/w as this protocol type does require more computing power but uses less bandwidth and you’ll also require an end point capable of decoding the H.264 stream.

Installation & Configuration
1. http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX140603 or refer to point 4 in the above “vGPU Pre-requites & System Requirements” section.
2. NVIDIA GRID Configuration Checks by Jason Southern at nVidia

HDX 3D Pro Policy or Policies
1. I would strongly recommend when you begin your testing of a vGPU VM(s) that you create a new custom policy in Studio and perhaps title it “vGPU HDX 3D Pro” and apply the following sUgGeStEd vGPU HDX 3D Pro policy as described in this nVidia GRID forum article available at – https://gridforums.nvidia.com/default/topic/254/xendesktop-with-nvidia-grid/hdx-policy-for-grid-accelerated-applications/. Why not use my current HDX policy? Firstly this policy is a sUgGeStEd and should be considered as an initial base line to begin testing from and its based off real world field experience from an EMEA nVidia GRID Architecture based in the UK.
2. The following XenDesktop master class from July 2014 will provide you with a great insight into HDX 3D Pro with nVidia GRID cards. This master class is a must if your looking at deploying an HDX 3D Pro with a customers environment to enable the deliver of HDX Rich Graphics to users within LAN and WAN scenarios.

HDX or HDX 3D Pro Thin Clients
1. If your looking for HDX or HDX 3D Pro verified thin clients then please check out the Citrix Ready website at – http://www.citrix.com/ready/en/.
2. HDX Search results –
https://citrixready.citrix.com/category-results.html?category=c1-endpoints/c2-thin-clients&lang=en_us&filter=c1-endpoints/c2-thin-clients/g-hdx-levels/f-hdx-ready&sortby=product-asc and for HDX Ready Chrome Device – https://citrixready.citrix.com/category-results.html?category=c1-endpoints/c2-chrome-devices&lang=en_us&filter=c1-endpoints/c2-chrome-devices/g-hdx-levels/f-hdx-ready&sortby=product-asc.
3. HDX Premium search results – https://citrixready.citrix.com/category-results.html?category=c1-endpoints/c2-thin-clients&lang=en_us&filter=c1-endpoints/c2-thin-clients/g-hdx-levels/f-hdx-premium&sortby=product-asc
4. HDX 3D Pro search results – https://citrixready.citrix.com/category-results.html?category=c1-endpoints/c2-thin-clients&lang=en_us&filter=c1-endpoints/c2-thin-clients/g-hdx-levels/f-hdx-3d-pro&sortby=product-asc.

Customer Stories
1. Story | – https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/11/02/ngca-perspective-how-nvidia-empowers-education-through-grid/.
2. Case Study | Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd – http://www.nvidia.co.uk/content/grid/resources/case-study-daewooshipbuilding.pdf.
3. Success Story | Bell Helicopter Elevating The Design and Manufacturing of World-Class Helicopters – http://www.nvidia.com/object/enterprise-virtualization-case-study-bell-helicopter.html
4. Success Story | PSA Peugeot Citroen Accelerating Automotive Design with NVIDIA GRID – http://www.nvidia.com/object/enterprise-virtualization-case-study-peugeot.html.

nVidia GRID Forums
1. Drivers – https://gridforums.nvidia.com/default/board/128/nvidia-grid-drivers/.
2. GRID cards – https://gridforums.nvidia.com/default/board/129/grid-boards/.
3. XenApp – https://gridforums.nvidia.com/default/board/127/xenapp-with-nvidia-grid/.
4. XenDesktop – https://gridforums.nvidia.com/default/board/126/xendesktop-with-nvidia-grid/.
5. Announcements – https://gridforums.nvidia.com/default/board/120/announcements/.